Add Auth to Next.js with Ory!
Ory is a best-in-class open source identity and access ecosystem. With Ory you can easily add authentication (email/username + password, passwordless, 2FA, WebAuthN, social sign in, ...), OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, scalable permission management, and zero trust networking to any application. With Vercel and Next.js this only takes a few lines of code:
// File: pages/api/.ory/[...paths].ts import { config, createApiHandler } from '@ory/integrations/next-edge' export { config } export default createApiHandler({ fallbackToPlayground: true })
Once integrated, try it out! Create an example account or sign in, recover your account or verify your email address! All using open source Ory Kratos in minutes with just a few lines of code
and Vercel's Edge Functions. To learn more about the integration, check one of the recommended guides: